Monday, October 18, 2010

The Organized Gift Closet

The Gift Closet is a dedicated space (not necessarily a closet) used to gather and organize and hold gift items and gift cards, in addition to cards and wrapping for later use. This closet is especially helpful when confronted with “unexepected or last minute” occasions, and can be used to buy and stockpile known and desired gifts early when they are on sale, to help you spread out your spending budget for planned occassions such as Christmas.
Step 1: Find the Space
Start by selecting an area that is accessible. Homes with curious children may require "secure" space.
Step 2: Stock with essentials
Stock with blank and/or seasonal event cards, wrapping, gift bags, baskets, tape and ribbons.
Step 3: Gather existing gifts
Start with shopping at home.  Go around and gather all likely gift items from their current hiding places about the house. Whether they are purchased items, or never-used items to re-gift..
Step 4: Keep an Inventory
It is essential to keep an inventory list of what you have to avoid purchasing duplicates, over purchasing, and to ensure the gifts aren’t forgotten.
Step 5: Wrap when possible
When pre-purchasing and gathering gifts for occassions with specific people and gifts in mind - wrap and tag the presents when you get them home. This will keep prying eyes from discovering presents early, and will ensure the few days before the occassion  are stree-free to concentrate on things other than last-minute wrapping, and discovering you don't have enough wrapping paper!

Avoid the pitfalls of the Gift Closet
• Be careful not to fall into this common mental trap:  Often the feeling of excitement you get when  you shop and purchase something has faded, so now the gift no longer feels exciting or thoughtful.

 • Beware of "small/side" gifts that you impulsively buy -only to later feel like none of theses items feel like enough to “count” as a main gift, so now you feel that you have to go buy another “main” gift to with the “side” gifts or you end up leaving them unused in your gift closet for someone else- completely defeating the purpose of pre-purchasing gifts! 
• Be careful not to stockpile too many items. And avoid the urge to stock for any and all "just in case occassions". Also, keep an awareness of gifts that will expire or become outdated quickly, including gift cards.

If you avoid these pitfalls, you can have a well thought out and properly managed gift closet that can help eliminate stress and save you time and money this Holiday Season.


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