Sunday, July 20, 2008

Plunge Into Summer!

Does your business take a “dive” during the summer months? If so, take advantage of the extra time to focus on getting your business ready for a fantastic fall.
1. Gotta Learn More to Earn More
What do you need to know to take your business to the next level? Select a project or area and invest some money and time into a program or product that will help you to gain more understanding, and increase your knowledge in that area.
2. Summer Make Over
Take an objective look at your online marketing, (website, blog, newsletters, mailings etc). Make any changes or updates necessary to improve it’s effectiveness as a major marketing and sales tool.
3. Restore order to your office!
If you didn’t do this in January, purge old files and bookshelves so you can actually see and find what you own! And by doing so, you’ll be creating space for more clients and new information to come into your business! Restoring your office doesn't just include cleaning out and reorganizing the contents. If you also have tools and equipment that aren't functioning properly, get them fixed, or replace them.
4. Garbage In / Garbage Out
Tired of wasting time searching for stuff on your computer? Take some time to clean up your files, delete ones you don't need, reorganize what you do need into folders, remove software that you no longer use. Burn photos and archived material to a CD and then delete it from your computer. Finally, defragment the computer if needed. Your CPU will thank you!
5. E-mail E-hell
Is your inbox overwhelming? Set a goal of 50 emails or less in your inbox. Be ruthless with the delete key and only leave emails in your inbox that require action on your part. Tackle that inbox and do one of the following: respond, file in a folder, delegate or delete it. To maintain, take 5-10 minutes each day to delete old emails, reply to ones that only require a quick response, and if your mail services offers it, select the” settings” feature to automatically sort future incoming mail into appropriate folders.
6. Encouraging Accomplishments
It’s easy to get discouraged during a summer slump, so it's important to pause and recognize your successes. You’re at the half-way point so it’s a good time for a 6-month review. When you do, be sure to account for your accomplishments this year. Then set or re-set the goals you’d like to achieve for the rest of the year to provide on-going direction and motivation!
7. Plan ahead for Fall
Begin researching and targeting any potential fall shows, expos, bazaars or promotions/ads NOW. Register early to ensure the best location or spot!
8. Relax and enjoy the Season!
After all, isn't more time with your family or to yourself one of the reasons you own your own business in the first place?

NEW Savings Booklet set to Distribute

The Network of Enterprising Women will soon be distributing the third version of their Savings Booklet for new customers. Member businesses provide new customers savings on their goods and services. Businesses taking part include:

Abadi Architecture
Balloon Happenings
Creative Memories
Continuum Marketing
Simply Organized by Sandy
Mary Kay
Salerno Expressions Photography
...and many more

Savings booklets will be distributed to attendees/visitors at the No Limit Women's Expo on Saturday, August 9th at the Richardson Civic Center.

Other booklets will be distributed via members.

NEW Partners with No Limit Women's Expo

The North Texas Network of Enterprising Women have teamed up with the No Limit Women's Expo to help promote the empowerment and success of women!

A first-time exhibitor at the 3rd anuual No Limit Women's Expo in 2007, NEW found the event to be aligned with their own mission and they received a lot of interest from attendees. Contact was made with Sylvia Williams, coordinator of the show, and a partnership was born!

At the 4th annual No Limit Women's Expo, NEW will have several members speaking as well as volunteering. The group will also be exhibiting along with many member businesses.

Come see us, Saturday, August 9th from 10am - 4pm, Richardson Civic Center. It is FREE to attend.

Don't miss it!